We are going to install / update CUDA to the latest version (5.5). For this tutorial we will be running Ubuntu 13.10 and install the latest Nvidia driver from a repository. We will not have the CUDA installation install the drivers.
edge@xVidia:~$ /usr/local/cuda/open64/bin/nvopencc -v
NVIDIA (R) CUDA Open64 Compiler
Cuda compilation tools, release 4.2, V0.2.1221
Built on 2012-04-05
Open64 Compiler Suite: Version 4.1
Built on: 2012-04-05
Thread model: posix
GNU gcc version 3.4.5 (Open64 4.2 driver)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-331
Visit https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads and download the current version of CUDA for your platform.
$ cd ~/source
~/source$ wget http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/5_5/rel/installers/cuda_5.5.22_linux_64.run
~/source$ chmod +x cuda_5.5.22_linux_64.run
~/source$ sudo ./cuda_5.5.22_linux_64.run
Do you accept the previously read EULA? (accept/decline/quit): accept
You are attempting to install on an unsupported configuration. Do you wish to continue? ((y)es/(n)o) [ default is no ]: yes
Install NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 319.37? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): no
Install the CUDA 5.5 Toolkit? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): yes
Enter Toolkit Location [ default is /usr/local/cuda-5.5 ]:
Install the CUDA 5.5 Samples? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): no
Unsupported compiler: 4.7.3
= Summary =
Driver: Not Selected
Toolkit: Installation Failed. Using unsupported Compiler.
Samples: Not Selected
Logfile is /tmp/cuda_install_28597.log
This error message is not an issue. Just use the override option to ignore checking the compiler version as shown below.
~/source$ sudo ./cuda_5.5.22_linux_64.run --override
Do you accept the previously read EULA? (accept/decline/quit): accept
You are attempting to install on an unsupported configuration. Do you wish to continue? ((y)es/(n)o) [ default is no ]: yes
Install NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 319.37? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): no
Install the CUDA 5.5 Toolkit? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): yes
Enter Toolkit Location [ default is /usr/local/cuda-5.5 ]:
Install the CUDA 5.5 Samples? ((y)es/(n)o/(q)uit): no
= Summary =
Driver: Not Selected
Toolkit: Installed in /usr/local/cuda-5.5
Samples: Not Selected
* Please make sure your PATH includes /usr/local/cuda-5.5/bin
* Please make sure your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
* for 32-bit Linux distributions includes /usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib
* for 64-bit Linux distributions includes /usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64:/lib
* OR
* for 32-bit Linux distributions add /usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib
* for 64-bit Linux distributions add /usr/local/cuda-5.5/lib64 and /lib
* to /etc/ld.so.conf and run ldconfig as root
* To uninstall CUDA, remove the CUDA files in /usr/local/cuda-5.5
* Installation Complete
Please see CUDA_Getting_Started_Linux.pdf in /usr/local/cuda-5.5/doc/pdf for detailed information on setting up CUDA.
***WARNING: Incomplete installation! This installation did not install the CUDA Driver. A driver of version at least 319.00 is required for CUDA 5.5 functionality to work.
To install the driver using this installer, run the following command, replacing <CudaInstaller> with the name of this run file:
sudo <CudaInstaller>.run -silent -driver
Logfile is /tmp/cuda_install_28685.log
Add or modify the cuda.conf file in the ld.so.conf.d directory to reflect the path to the new installation.
$ sudo vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/cuda.conf
root@xVidia:~# /usr/local/cuda-5.5/open64/bin/nvopencc -v
NVIDIA (R) CUDA Open64 Compiler
Cuda compilation tools, release 5.5, V5.5.0
Built on 2013-07-17
Open64 Compiler Suite: Version 4.1
Built on: 2013-07-17
Thread model: posix
GNU gcc version 3.4.5 (Open64 4.2 driver)
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